Tech - 해당되는 글 27건

연동을 위한 테스트

'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Test  (0) 2010.04.27
test  (0) 2010.04.26
wiki wiki wikikiki  (0) 2010.02.09
Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
      Tech/기타  |  2010. 4. 27. 15:19

This Message is for Twitter

'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Tistory & Twitter  (0) 2010.04.27
test  (0) 2010.04.26
wiki wiki wikikiki  (0) 2010.02.09
Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
      Tech/기타  |  2010. 4. 27. 15:16

This content is for twitter.

'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Tistory & Twitter  (0) 2010.04.27
Test  (0) 2010.04.27
wiki wiki wikikiki  (0) 2010.02.09
Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
      Tech/기타  |  2010. 4. 26. 16:28

얼마만의 포스팅인가.... 거의 일년만이 아닌가도 싶다...

회사 내부 Knowledge Base구축을 위해 난생처음 wiki와 접했다.

고품격 Tikiwiki는 너무 고품격이라 엄두가 안난다... --;;

그래서 대중성을 띤 Mediawiki를 채택..

홈페이지 가보니 머리에 꽃달아서 괜찮은건가 싶기도 했으나

나름 단단한 모습이 인상적이었다.

DB는 깔삼한 Postgresql 설치하다보니 Mysql보다 점유도가 떨어져서 그런지 정보가 참없었다.

훌륭한 것은 Tsearch라는 것이 있어 검색의 강한 면모를 보여주는 듯했다.

난 JVM만 친해서 Linux의 여러 Package들은 좀 낯설었다.

홍콩에 어느 교수님이 개인 페이지로 만든 것에 정보를 얻어 손쉽게(?) 활용할 수 있었다.

Editing 난 설치하고 나면 사용법이 블로그나 그런 수준인줄 알았다.

아니다. 물론 맘대로 할 수 있다. 그러기위해서는 정보를 마니 캐야한다.

리치에디터(FCKEditor)를 설치하여 wiki문법에서 해방을 노렸으나, 에디터의 한계일까...

더 불편하다 생각을 했다.

wiki 문서작성 방식은 정말 효율적이라는 생각이 든다.

하지만, 첫번째글이 둘째글과 셋째글을 낳고, 셋째글이 네째, 다섯째 글을 낳는 방식이다.

한정되지 않았다. 필요한 정보이면 계속 만들 수 있다... 그래서 피곤하다.

문서를 작성하다보면, 욕심이 앞서 알까기의 연속이다....

하지만 맘잡고 연습하면 wiki문법 잘 사용할 수있다.


'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Test  (0) 2010.04.27
test  (0) 2010.04.26
Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
체스와 포커의 차이  (0) 2009.03.25
      Tech/기타  |  2010. 2. 9. 03:50


If you are using Postgres, you will need to either have a database and user created for you, or simply supply the name of a Postgres user with "superuser" privileges to the configuration form. Often, this is the database user named postgres.

The database that MediaWiki will use needs to have both plpgsql and tsearch2 installed. The installer script will try to install plpgsql, but you may need to install tsearch2 yourself. (tsearch2 is used for searching the text of your wiki). Here's one way to do most of the setup. This is for a Unix-like system, and assumes that you have already installed the plpgsql and tsearch2 modules. In this example, we'll create a database named wikidb, owned by a user named wikiuser. From the command-line, as the postgres user, perform the following steps.

 createuser -S -D -R -P -E wikiuser (then enter the password)
 createdb -O wikiuser wikidb
 createlang plpgsql wikidb

[edit]Adding tsearch2

NOTE If you're using PostgreSQL 8.3.x, you don't need to perform the following steps to install tsearch2 since it has been integrated into the core.

Adding tsearch2 to the database is not a simple step, but hopefully it will already be done for you by whatever packaging process installed the tsearch2 module. In any case, the installer will let you know right away if it cannot find tsearch2.

The above steps are not all necessary, as the installer will try and do some of them for you if supplied with a superuser name and password.

For installing tsearch2 to the wikidb database under Windows, do the following steps:

  1. find tsearch2.sql (probably under .\PostgreSQL\8.x\share\contrib) and copy it to the postgresql\8.x\bin directory;
  2. from a command prompt at the postgresql\8.x\bin directory, type "psql wikidb < tsearch2.sql -U wikiuser";
  3. it will prompt you for the password for wikiuser;

That's it!

Point (2) seems only to work on windows, cause on debian linux 4.0 (etch) only user postgres is allowed to use language c. so there it must be called by:

su - postgres -c psql wikidb < tsearch2.sql

[edit]Granting select rights

Afterwards you must grant select rights to wikiuser to the tsearch tables and insert the correct locale.

[edit]PostgreSQL 8.2 or earlier
su - postgres
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_cfg to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_cfgmap to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_dict to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_parser to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "update pg_ts_cfg set locale = current_setting('lc_collate') where ts_name = 'default' and prs_name='default';"

If you receive an error similar to "ERROR: relation "pg_ts_cfg" does not exist" when executing the above statements, try installing tsearch2 to the wikidb database again, but instead use these two separate steps (and then try the grant statements again):

1) su - postgres
2) psql wikidb -f tsearch2.sql
[edit]PostgreSQL 8.3 or later
su - postgres
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_config to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_config_map to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_dict to wikiuser;"
psql -d wikidb -c "grant select on pg_ts_parser to wikiuser;"

[edit]Run the installation script

Once all of the above steps are complete, you can complete the installation through web browser by following instructions mentioned there on Manual:Config script page.

'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

test  (0) 2010.04.26
wiki wiki wikikiki  (0) 2010.02.09
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
체스와 포커의 차이  (0) 2009.03.25
test  (0) 2008.09.17
      Tech/기타  |  2010. 1. 11. 11:56

 5.x대로 버전이 올라오면서 웹어플리케이션(webapps)폴더를 설정하는 방법 (server.xml에 context를 추가하는)이
변경이 되어 삽질삽질을 하다가 5.x대에서부턴 admin으로 관리하라는 글을 보고 일단 admin 설정방법을 찾았다

톰캣설치후 http://localhost:8080/admin 으로 들어가면 어드민 패키지는 기본으로 설치되지 않는다는 안내문구를
볼 수 있다. 따로 어드민 '패키지'를 받아야 된다는 설명을 볼 수 있다.

패키지라고 되어 있지만 실제론 톰캣 설치구조와 유사한 파일과 디렉토리 구조를 가진 압축파일이다. 이 파일을 풀어서 현재 톰캣이 설치된 폴더와 비교해서 해당위치에 파일을 복사해 주면 되는데,

C:\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost\ 에 압축을 풀면 나오는 동일한 구조의 디렉토리경로(conf\Catalina\localhost\)에 있는 admin.xml 파일과

C:\Tomcat 5.5\server\webapps\admin 에 압축푼 파일의 디렉토리 아래 \server\webapps\admin\*.*를 통째로 복사해준다.

그리고 나서 톰캣을 재구동하고 /admin으로 접속하면 아래와 같은 화면이 뜬다

다음은 로그인한 화면이다

tomcat monitoring probe 설치기 Java

2007/12/27 22:21





-tomcat 5.x

-jdk 1.5.x

-mysql 4.x


참조 :


1. 참조에서 Installing manually 형식으로 설치했다.

{TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/에 probe.war파일을 복사하고


2.{TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/tomcat-users.xml파일에 아래의 내용을 추가했다.

  <user username="manager" password="manager" roles="manager"/>
  <user username="poweruser" password="poweruser" roles="poweruser"/>
  <user username="poweruserplus" password="poweruserplus" roles="poweruserplus"/>
  <user username="probeuser" password="probeuser" roles="probeuser"/>


2. tomcat를 restart했다.


3. http://localhost/probe 로 접속후 manager /manager 로 접속했다. JVM 모니터링을 위해서 JVM Option을 설정해야한다.



'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

wiki wiki wikikiki  (0) 2010.02.09
Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
체스와 포커의 차이  (0) 2009.03.25
test  (0) 2008.09.17
[펌]펀드, 분산투자의 마법  (0) 2007.11.26
      Tech/기타  |  2009. 3. 31. 11:20

체스와 포커의 차이

 체스  포커
 ㆍ몇 단계 앞을 내다보고 계획을세워야 한다.
ㆍ자신의 자원이 명백히 드러나 있다.
ㆍ경쟁자의 자원을 잘 알 수 있다.
ㆍ게임을 하는 도중에 새로운 정보가
도착하지 않는다.
 ㆍ새로운 정보의 도착에 따라 적응하고
적용해야 한다.
ㆍ시간이 지남에 따라 자원이 드러난다.
ㆍ경쟁자의 자원이 시간이 지남에 따
라 드러난다.
ㆍ새로운 정보가 정기적으로 도착한다.

당신이 기술을 현재 사업에 적용시킬 때, 이것은 마치 체스게임과
도 같다. 당신은 체스의 말들이 무엇을 하고 무엇을 할 수 없을지
안다. 당신은 경쟁자가 무엇을 할지 알 수 있고, 게임을 이기기
위해 고객이 당신으로부터 무엇을 필요로 하는지도 안다. 당신은
많은 움직임들을 미리 생각할 수 있고, 사실 이기려면 그렇게 해
야 한다.
새로운 시장에서, 당신은 기술에 대한 계획을 완전히 다르게 세워
야한다. 당신은 더 이상 체스를 하는 것이 아니다. 이제 당신은
포커 게임을 하는 것이다. 당신은 정보들을 미리 알 수 없다. 대
신, 당신은 다음 카드가 무엇인지 보기위해 게임에 계속 남아서
추가적으로 돈을 사용할 것인지 결정해야 한다.

'Tech > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Postgres & mediawiki  (0) 2010.01.11
Tomcat Admin App Deploy  (0) 2009.03.31
test  (0) 2008.09.17
[펌]펀드, 분산투자의 마법  (0) 2007.11.26
[keytool 사용법]  (0) 2007.07.26
      Tech/기타  |  2009. 3. 25. 13:25


New in this release of Coherence*Web is a deployment option on the WebLogic Server platform that enables a tighter integration with WebLogic Server. The installation and configuration options described here only apply to WebLogic Server 10.3 deployments. It should be noted that the configuration of Coherence*Web for WebLogic Server is likely to change in future releases as Coherence*Web is even more tightly integrated into the WebLogic Server.

Overview of Coherence*Web SPI

Coherence*Web is not a replacement for WebLogic Server's in-memory HTTP state replication services. However, Coherence*Web should be considered when an application has large Http Session State objects, when running into memory constraints due to storing Http Session object data, and/or have existing Coherence Cluster and would like to offload Http Session storage to a Coherence Cluster.

The most significant change introduced by this new deployment option is that applications deployed using the Coherence*Web SPI module no longer require an application to be instrumented by the Coherence*Web WebInstaller.


Location of the WebLogic Server Coherence*Web SPI in Coherence Distribution

The Weblogic Server Coherence*Web SPI consists of the coherence-web-spi.war file, located in the coherence\lib directory in the Coherence distribution. The coherence.jar file, located in the same directory, is also necessary for enabling Coherence*Web functionality in WebLogic Server.

Requirements for using Coherence*Web SPI

The Coherence*Web SPI for Weblogic Server requires that a load balancer which enforces http session JVM affinity is running in front of the WebLogic Server tier. WebLogic Server ships with several different proxy plug-ins which will enforce JVM session stickiness. Documentation for configuring the WebLogic Server proxy plug-in is available here.

Overview Of Configuration and Deployment

The Coherence*Web distribution includes a deployable shared library that contains a native plugin to WebLogic Server's Http Session Management interface. To enable Coherence*Web on WebLogic Server for a web application, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Apply WebLogic Server publically available Patch ID N41D to all WebLogic Server instances that are hosting the web application(s) that will leverage Coherence*Web. Please see the instructions for using Smart Update to install WebLogic Server patches. For production environments it is recommended that you review the Smart Update production installation notes.
    1. Login in using your Support ID and Password.
    2. Download and apply patch N41D. Restart WebLogic Server.
  2. Optionally modify the session-cache-config.xml to customize the Cache topology for Coherence*Web. This configuration file is located in the /WEB-INF/classes directory within the coherence-web-spi.war file. If this file is modified, it should be updated in coherence-web-spi.war.
  3. Start a Cache Server Tier in a seperate JVM from the one running WebLogic Server per the instructions below.
  4. Determine the appropriate packaging based on your deployment requirements and follow the appropriate packaging instructions.
  5. Optionally modify the web.xml and weblogic.xml files in the WAR deployment if advanced configuration is required for a web application using Coherence*Web.
    If you are deploying Coherence*Web in a WebLogic Portal environment please see the Coherence*Web and WebLogic Portal page for installation instructions.

Coherence*Web WebLogic SPI-Specific Configurations

There are two differences between the default cache configuration for the Coherence*Web SPI for WebLogic Server and Coherence*Web:

  1. The Coherence*Web SPI for WebLogic Server is configured with local-storage disabled. This means a Coherence Cache Server must be running in its own JVM, separate from the JVM running WebLogic Server.
  2. The timeout for requests to the cache server to respond is 30 seconds. If a request to the cache server has not responded in 30 seconds, a exception is thrown.

The Coherence caches used by the Coherence*Web SPI is configured by the session-cache-config.xml file. The session-cache-config.xml file is located inside the coherence-web-spi.war file under the WEB-INF\classes directory. Any cache configuration change should be put inside session-cache-config.xml, and then should be repackaged inside coherence-web-spi.war.

To Configure and Start a Cache Server

A Cache Server JVM is a dedicated Coherence JVM that is responsible for storing and managing all cached data (in this case, HttpSession state). One or more Cache Server JVMs must be started before the WLS/WLP JVMs can be started.

  1. Create a script for starting a Cache Server JVM. The following is an very simple example of a script that starts a storage-enabled Cache Server for use with Coherence*Web. This example assumes that you are using a Sun JVM. See this page for information on tuning your particular JVM.

    java -server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp <Coherence installation dir>/lib/coherence.jar:<Coherence installation dir>/lib/coherence-web-spi.war -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=WEB-INF/classes/session-cache-config.xml -Dtangosol.coherence.session.localstorage=true

  2. Start one or more Cache Server JVMs using the script described above.

Packaging and Configuration Considerations

As part of the Coherence*Web SPI for WebLogic Server you will find the coherence.jar and coherence-web-spi.war located in the /lib directory of the Coherence 3.4.2 distribution.

Coherence cluster nodes are class loader scoped. Therefore, controlling the number of unique Coherence cluster nodes in a Coherence*Web deployment needs to be decided prior to packaging the application(s). The different options are listed below and are described in detail on the Cluster Node Isolation in Coherence*Web page:

  • Application Server Scoped Cluster Nodes
  • EAR Scoped Cluster Nodes
  • WAR Scoped Cluster Nodes
    Be Careful

    The Application Server Scoped Cluster Nodes configuration should be considered very carefully and never used in environments where application interaction is unknown or unpredictable.

    An example of such environment may be a deployment where multiple development teams are deploying independently written applications without coordinating and enforcing their conventions and naming standards carefully. With this configuration, all applications are part of the same cluster and the likelihood of collisions between namespaces for caches, services and other configuration settings is quite high and may lead to unexpected results.

    For these reasons we strongly recommend either the EAR Scoped or WAR Scoped cluster node configurations. If you are in doubt as to which deployment topology to choose or if this warning applies to your deployment, please do not choose this configuration.

Packaging and Configuring Application Server Scoped Cluster Nodes

  1. Deploy coherence-web-spi.war as a shared library on each WebLogic Server.
  2. Edit you WebLogic Server system classpath to include coherence.jar or copy coherence.jar to you $DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory.
  3. Enable Coherence*Web in your web application by adding the following to stanza in the weblogic.xml in each WAR file deployed in the WebLogic Server that intends to leverage Coherence*Web:



Packaging and Configuring EAR Scoped Cluster Nodes

  1. Deploy coherence-web-spi.war as a shared library on each WebLogic Server.
  2. Place coherence.jar in the EAR's APP-INF/lib directory.
  3. To enable Coherence*Web create a shared library reference in each web application in the EAR by adding the following stanza weblogic.xml:


Packaging and Configuring WAR Scoped Cluster Nodes

  1. Deploy coherence-web-spi.war as a shared library on each WebLogic Server
  2. Place coherence.jar in the WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory.
  3. Create a reference to the shared library by modifying the weblogic.xml in web applications WEB-INF directory.


Coherence*Web Configuration Options

Since Coherence*Web is in control of the http session lifecycle, most data from the <session-descriptor> element in either weblogic.xml or weblogic-application.xml is ignored. Most of Coherence*Web configuration can be done through <context-param> in web.xml. The default configuration included in the SPI should be sufficient for most web application usages, but all configurations options can be overidden using <context-param>

The following Coherence*Web settings can be configured in web.xml using <context-param>:

Please see the Configuring Coherence*Web page for detailed information on each of the above parameters.

The generated Http session cookie can be configured in weblogic.xml or weblogic-application.xml using <session-descriptor>:

In WebLogic SPI module the following Coherence Web Configuration parameters are not controlled by the Coherence Web Configuration parameters and will need to be specified as outlined below instead:


By default, WebLogic Server provides basic SSO functionality. To leverage SAML SSO functionality with Coherence*Web, the saml2.war web application must be modified.

  1. Backup the existing saml2.war in the WebLogic Server installation.
  2. Unjar the saml2.war into a temporary directory. The saml2.war is located in the $WL_SERVER_HOME/server/lib directory.
  3. Create a lib and classes directory under the WEB-INF directory.
  4. Unjar the coherence-web-spi.war to retrieve coherence-web.jar and coherence-web-spi.jar. Put these two jars in the /WEB-INF/lib directory.
  5. Copy the session-cache-config.xml, located in the /WEB-INF/classes directory from the exploded coherence-web-spi.war, into the the created /WEB-INF/classes directory.
  6. Place the coherence.jar in the proper location, based on the cluster node scoping you selected: Application Server, EAR or WAR scoped.
  7. Add the following to the /WEB-INF/web.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  8. Re-assemble the saml2.war by using the jar command, e.g.:

    jar cvf saml2.war $tempdir
  9. Backup the existing saml2.war in the WebLogic Server installation.
  10. Replace the saml2.war in the WebLogic installation with the modified saml2.war.

Known Limitations

By default, Coherence*Web creates a single HTTP session across all web applications for each client and scopes the session attributes to a each web application. This means that if a session is invalidated in one web application, that same session is invalidated for all web applications in WebLogic Server using Coherence*Web.

This functionality requires that the session cookie path is set to "/", making the same session cookie available to all web applications. If this is not the desired behavior, a potential workaround is to reduce the scope the session cookie by adding the following entry to weblogic.xml in each web application:

<cookie-path>[path of web-app context, for example "/mainApp/subApp"]</cookie-path>

This will ensure a unique session is created for each web application. It is also possible to scope the session to all web-applications within an EAR file by setting the session cookie path to the context root of the deployed EAR.

This workaround around will not work if you deploy an EAR or web-application with '/' as the context path, or if you require WebLogic Single Sign-On. WebLogic Single Sign-On requires that the session cookie path be set to '/'.

      Tech/weblogic  |  2009. 3. 23. 17:44

Taxonomy of BPEL Faults

A bpel fault has a fault name, which is a qname (name qualified with a namespace), and a possible messageType. There are two categories of faults in BPEL: business faults and runtime faults.

Business faults are application specific faults and occur when an explicit <throw> activity is executed or an <invoke> activity gets a fault as response. The fault name of a business fault is specified by the BPEL process and the messageType, if one exists, is defined in the WSDL.

Runtime faults are not user defined and will not appear in the WSDL for a process or service. The BPEL spec defines 11 standard faults: selectionFailure, conflictingReceive, conflictingRequest, mismatchedAssignmentFailure, joinFailure, forcedTermination, correlationViolation, uninitializedVariable, repeatedCompensation and invalidReply. They are all in the namespace "" and are typeless, meaning they don't have associated messageTypes. The Oracle BPEL Process Manager also introduces two more runtime faults: bindingFault and remoteFault. They are in the namespace of "" and are associated with an Oracle defined messageType "RuntimeFaultMessage". The WSDL that defines the RuntimeFaultMessage messageType is available in the c:/orabpel/system/xmllib directory.

RemoteFault is retryable. It has the following possible fault codes

FaultCode Reason
ConnectionRefused The remote server is not up
WSDLReadingError Fail to read WSDL
GenericRemoteFault Generic remote fault

BindingFault is not retryable. It has the following possible fault codes:

FaultCode Reason
VersionMismatch The processing party found an invalid namespace for the SOAP Envelope element
MustUnderstand An immediate child element of the SOAP Header element that was either not understood or not obeyed by the processing party contained a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute with a value of "1"
Client.GenericError Generic error at client side
Client.WrongNumberOfInputParts input message part number mismatch
Client.WrongNumberOfOutputParts output message part number mismatch
Client.WrongTypeOfInputPart input message part type error
Client.WrongTypeOfOutputPart output message part type error
Server.GenericError Generic error at server side
Server.NoService Server is up but no service
Server.NoHTTPSOAPAction Request is missing HTTP SOAP Action
Server.Unauthenticated Request is not authenticated
Server.Unauthorized Request is not authorized

      Tech/BPEL PM  |  2009. 3. 13. 16:57

Securing Oracle Service Bus with Oracle Web Services Manager

You can use Oracle Web Services Manager 10.1.3.x and later in conjunction with Oracle Service Bus to help secure your SOA environment.

This document provides use cases that highlight the interaction between Oracle Service Bus and Oracle Web Services Manager features in providing security throughout the service pipeline.

No configuration in Oracle Service Bus is required for interaction with Oracle Web Services Manager. You implement Oracle Web Services Manager features at the desired client and service locations, and the interaction and enforcement occurs automatically.

For more information about Oracle Web Services Manager, see

This document describes the following security use cases with Oracle Web Services Manager:


Perimeter Security

Figure 11-1 illustrates using Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway for enforcing perimeter security.

Figure 11-1 Perimeter security with Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

Perimeter security with Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway virtualizes the service exposed by the Oracle Service Bus proxy service. The inbound request to the Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway has a message protection policy. The client sends a secure request to the Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway virtualized service, which is signed and encrypted.

The Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway acts as a security enforcement point and decrypts and verifies the signature. Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway then routes the plain request to the proxy service over SSL. The proxy service forwards the request to the business service, which invokes the Web service and gets the plain response back. The response moves back through the proxy service and Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway to the client.


Identity Propagation

Figure 11-2 illustrates using the Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway for identity propagation using SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) token version 1.1.

Figure 11-2 Identity propagation with Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

Identity propagation with Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

The client sends a basic HTTP authentication request to the Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway. Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway authenticates the user using the user name and password from the HTTP header. Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway generates a SAML sender voucher assertion with the authenticated user identity (token mediation), inserts the SAML token, and sends the assertion to the proxy service. The proxy service receives the SAML assertion with the user identity and, acting as an active intermediary, verifies the user identity. The proxy service then passes the request to the business service. The response travels back through the business service, proxy service, and Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway to the client.


Message Protection

This section describes the following use cases:

Message Protection with Client Agent

Figure 11-3 illustrates using the Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent for message protection.

Figure 11-3 Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent

Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent

The proxy service has an inbound message protection policy. The Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent sends a signed and encrypted request to the proxy service. The proxy service receives the secured request and, acting as an active intermediary, decrypts and verifies signature and routes the request to the business service. The business service invokes the Web service, gets the response back, and sends it to the proxy service. The proxy service signs and encrypts the response and sends it to the Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent. The Client Agent receives the secure response, decrypts and verifies the signature, and passes the response to the client.

Message Protection with Gateway

Figure 11-4 Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway

The client sends a plain request through the proxy and business services in Oracle Service Bus. The business service signs and encrypts the request and sends the message to the Oracle Web Services Manager Gateway. The Gateway decrypts and verifies the request. The plain message response is passed back to the client.

Message Protection with Server Agent

Figure 11-5 Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Server Agent

Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Server Agent

The client sends a plain request through the proxy and business services in Oracle Service Bus. The business service signs and encrypt the request and sends the message to the Oracle Web Services Manager Server Agent. The Server Agent decrypts and verifies the request. The plain message response is passed back to the client.

Message Protection with Client and Server Agents

Figure 11-6 Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client and Server Agents

Message protection with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client and Server Agents

The Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent signs and encrypts a client request and sends the request through the proxy and business services to the Web service. The Web service has a Server Agent injected in it. The Server Agent has an inbound message protection policy that decrypts and verifies the signature, then signs and encrypts the response. The response is sent back to the Client Agent, which decrypts and verifies the response, then returns the plain request to the client.



Figure 11-7 illustrates using the Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent for authentication.

Figure 11-7 Authentication with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent

Authentication with an Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent

The proxy service has a user name token policy. The client, through Oracle Web Services Manager Client Agent, sends a request to the proxy service with user credentials at the message level in a user name token. The proxy service maps the user credential from the user name token using credential mapping and sends it through the business service to the Web service for authentication. The Web service is protected using an Oracle Web Services Manager service agent with an inbound user name token policy. The Oracle Web Services Manager Service Client Agent extracts and authenticates the user credentials. The response is then sent back through the business service and the proxy service to the client.

      Tech/BPEL PM  |  2009. 3. 11. 18:09

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