Business Process Oriented - 해당되는 글 14건

BPM is SOA’s killer application, and SOA is BPM’s enabling infrastructure. We’ve used this tagline before, but simple truths are worth repeating, for their deceiving simplicity might overshadow their relevance.

On one hand, and to a large extent, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a solution in search of a problem, and the Return on Investment (ROI) customers can expect from any SOA initiative has been a hot topic of discussions as of late. In such a context, Business Process Management (BPM) might very well be the one indisputable reason why any IT shop should consider deploying SOA today.

On the other hand, the benefits BPM can offer to the business, in terms of agility, affordability, and accountability, cannot be gained without the proper underlying infrastructure. So far, BPM has remained a point solution, deployed through proprietary products. The emergence of SOA, and the establishment of industry standards that take advantage of it — BPEL being first among them — should lay the ground for BPM’s mainstream adoption.

BPM is SOA’s Killer Application
The problem with the Service Oriented Architecture is that it is exactly what its name implies, an architecture. It’s a set of guiding principles. It’s a philosophy. It can help an architect design a blueprint for something concrete, but nothing more. It is not the blueprint, even less the building. Architecting is not building, and if companies do just that, they’ll end up with very little in the end, after having spent a lot of time, money, and efforts getting there. SOA should not be seen as the end, but the means to the end. The challenge then becomes about finding what the end is that will justify the means.

Advocates of SOA have heralded the need for agility as the main business driver for deploying their architecture of predilection. Unfortunately, business types have found it difficult to understand how SOA could provide true business agility. The most litterate among them might have realized the benefits it could bring to their IT departments in terms of costs reductions, but the other quickly dismissed it as yet another IT fad.

From a business standpoint, a service is too small a unit to really appeal to the business side of the house. Its granularity is too fine. And it’s only when elevated to the level of processes that business folks usually start paying attention. Reusing a currency conversion service across multiple applications, and saving three man-month of development along the way, is one thing. Being able to shave three weeks in the overall order-to-cash process is another. Guess which of the two will get the CFO’s attention?

Once customers start putting a Service Oriented Architecture in place, the desire to tie their newly-available services together into coarser-grain services, or higher-level processes, is felt rather rapidly. This should not come as a surprise: services can be seen as neatly-packaged units of functionality, and the main reason for such a packaging is to enable their composition.

Now let’s make a little experiment: I suggest you draw a set of boxes on a white board, and give them names of ’services’ that make sense for the particular business you’re in. Then ask a colleague to ‘combine’ them into something useful. I bet you that what you’ll see being drawn on the white board is a set of arrows connecting the boxes, and resembling the flowcharts you used to draw when practicing the principles of the good old Business Process Reengineering methodology. Here you have it: a process!

But BPM would not be SOA’s killer application if it would work only after you get SOA, for, as we indicated before, you might never get it. Instead, BPM is SOA’s killer application because it will give you the reason for doing SOA at the first place. Without BPM, the main ROI for SOA is reduced IT costs. With BPM, you can directly link the ROI for your SOA project to the ROI you could get from any improved business process. All you have to do is ask the business which processes they’d like to fix first, put Return on Investment tags on them, and you’ll get the justification for your SOA initiative, with the budget to deploy it.

Better yet, deploying SOA in the context of BPM-powered process work will give you the right SOA. Here is why. SOA is more philosophy than religion. The book of SOA is more Tao Te King than Bible. For example, no consensus has emerged as to what the level of granularity of services should be. Some will say it should be at the level of fulfilling a purchase order, orders will advocate that it should be lowered to the level of recording the purchase order, yet others will recommend that it should be down to the level of creating the header for the purchase order, while using another service to record each line item. Who’s right? Nobody knows…

In reality, there is no absolute answer to this question, and the right answer will depend upon the business scenario — not to say business process — the question was asked in relation to. As a result, deploying SOA in the context of a BPM process will help you package services with the appropriate level of granularity, at least within the context of the business processes they’ll be involved in. Nothing will prevent you to compose coarser grain services out of smaller existing ones, or expose technical details of another into finer grain ones, but you will do it for a very good reasons, always justified by business requirements. Again, SOA is a means to an end, and the way this means is shaped usually depends upon the actual end that is sought after.

For all these reasons, BPM is SOA’s killer application.

SOA is BPM’s Enabling Infrastructure
One of the main ideas behind BPM is to abstract technical systems and requirements in such a way that new business processes could be designed, deployed, executed, monitored, and optimized, without having to write any software code, while most of the work would be done by non-technical folks — or at the very least less-technical ones.

This in turn would bring agility, affordability, and accountability to the business. Agility as in the ability to change the process as fast as the business itself is changing. Affordability as in the ability to deploy, in a cost effective way, a new process that could not have been deployed with any other technology before. And accountability as in the ability to prove, in a non-ambiguous way, that what your IT systems are doing in relation to your business processes is exactly what they were intended to do at the first place — in today’s SoX-constrained world, people are discovering this to be a lot harder than they initially thought.

To some, this idyllic scenario might sound too good to be true, and until recently, it really was. Without a way to provide the functional richness of existing systems packaged into reusable units, without having to expose their technical complexity, what could have been presented as a silver bullet actually turned into magic pixie dust, which is another word for vaporware. It just did not work, or at least not as advertised, and behind the neat little boxes and arrows, armies of developers would have to write arcane code, using languages such as C++, Java, or JavaScript.

Granted, there were some technologies that could have been used to make it work. CORBA was one of them. Problem is, as early incarnations of what we call SOA today, they were not ready for prime time, and more often than not turned out to bring more complexity, exactly where there should have been less. Again, it just did not work.

Then came XML, and the idea of using standard Internet protocols to connect all the pieces together. People called it Web Services, then started thinking about an architecture for managing it all, and SOA was born. It took some more years for the concept to mature, but it eventually reached a critical mass of adoption, making it the de-facto standard for any enterprise architecture today.

Of course, industry standards played a key role in this adoption process. By its very nature, SOA is all about enabling different actors (people, processes, and systems) to communicate with each others, and sharing a common language is usually a good way to foster communication. This lead to the development of specifications such as SOAP and WSDL, which today are the fabric of any new application being developed.

Right around the same time, industry standards for BPM started to coalesce as well. BPML got rid of proprietary languages — very few remember WSFL and XLANG today, and was eventually replaced by WS-BPEL — also known as BPEL, which took full advantage of the emerging stack of standards for Web Services — as well as IBM’s deep-pocketed marketing resources. But because boxes and arrows seem to be more pleasing to the eyes of most business analysts than angle brackets, BPMN was developed, and eventually established as the standard graphical notation for the modeling of executable business processes.

Ultimately, a stack emerged. WSDL for packaging services, BPMN for designing processes, and BPEL for executing processes built out of packaged services. All of a sudden, true BPM — what some call BPM 2.0 — became possible. It worked in a Zero Code manner, supported One Click Deploy for the most complex processes, and enabled a groundbreaking middle-out approach that empowered business analysts and less technical folks — called process analysts today — to work together on the same process, using the same tool.

Then BPM started to work, enabled by SOA

<출처 :>

'Business Process Oriented' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩]Business Activity Monitoring(BAM)  (0) 2007.03.27
BPEL의 활용  (0) 2007.03.27
Who is a Process Analyst  (0) 2007.03.26
[BPM 2.0]  (0) 2007.03.26
BPM의 성장..  (0) 2007.03.23
      Business Process Oriented  |  2007. 3. 26. 16:03

It’s Monday and I am starting a new weekly series on BPM 2.0. Every Monday, I will pick one item in my BPM 2.0 checklist and provide more details about it. I will go through the items of the list in the order they appear in today, then circle back once I have covered all 18 items. Three passes should keep us busy for the rest of the year.

오늘은 월요일이고 나는 매주 월요일 BPM2.0이라는 시리즈로 새로운 한주를 시작한다.
나는 나의 BPM2.0 체크리스트 안에서 새로운 아이템을 골라 잡을 것이다. 그리고, 그것에 대해서 보다 상세하게 제공할 것이다.  목록 중에 하나의 아이템을 통해 오늘 표현할 것이고,  18개 아이템에 전체에 걸쳐 볼것이다.

The first item on the list is about process analysts, who I believe are the target users for BPM 2.0.
리스트에 있는 첫번째 아이템은 BPM2.0의 타켓 유저인 "프로세스 분석가"에 대한 것이다.
The question then becomes: how can you identify them? A simple test is to ask a candidate if she understands the differences between a do-while, a while-do, and a for-each loop. If she does — and can explain it to a business analyst who could not explain what a loop is at the first place — you found the person you were looking for. You will find her among the 8 million Visual Basic programmers, the 3 million PHP fans, the million PL/SQL folks, and the half a million or so ABAP guys and gals. If you compare that to the 2 million people who can write Java code today, that’s a pretty big group. If you add to the mix the folks who understand HTML, you’ve got a pool of more than 20 million people you can draw from.

And if you want to understand why the mastery of Java and J2EE should not be a pre-requisite to the use of a BPMS, just read the syllabus for the course on jBPM offered by JBoss:

“The student must have previous experience developing an Hibernate application. The student must know how to configure a simple SessionFactory for Hibernate, utilize a Hibernate Session and transactional demarcation and how to perform basic queries on Hibernate objects.”

To me, it’s pretty much a show stopper. BPM 2.0 does not stop there though


'Business Process Oriented' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩]Business Activity Monitoring(BAM)  (0) 2007.03.27
BPEL의 활용  (0) 2007.03.27
BPM is SOA’s Killer Application  (0) 2007.03.26
[BPM 2.0]  (0) 2007.03.26
BPM의 성장..  (0) 2007.03.23
      Business Process Oriented  |  2007. 3. 26. 15:55

Six years ago, I wrote the first white paper on BPMS. It was one of the seminal publications that helped define the concept for BPM and start a new industry. The three letter acronym, which we borrowed from musicians, became an instant sensation, successful beyond any expectations we could have had at the time. Too successful some would say.

Today, the BPM moniker is used to describe anything from legacy workflow products to business rule engines, flowchart diagramming tools, Java code generators, or even business process reengineering consultancy services. This confusion, perpetuated by software vendors and industry analysts alike, serves two main purposes: it allows any vendor who can show boxes and arrows in its product to keep selling its gear, while letting any analyst who can compile a list of the aforementioned vendors to sell its luminary services to herds of utterly confused end users.
오늘날, BPM이란 이름은 레기서 워크 플로우 제품 부터  비즈니스 룰 엔진들, 플로우차트 다어그램 툴, 자바코드 생성기, 또는  비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링 컨설팅 서비스 조차 설명하는데 쓰여지고 있다.  이러한 혼동은 소프트웨어 벤더와 산업 분석가 들로 인해 두가지 주요목적을 위해 계속되고 있다.

Customers I talk to are asking for a change. They’ve tried the first version of BPM, did not find what they were looking for, and are wondering if there is anything else worth trying out. The good news: there is, I call it BPM 2.0—a term originally coined by my good friend Bruce Silver, and it’s available now. The bad news: the definition I give for BPM 2.0 is a radical one, it leaves no place to hide, and most vendors won’t like it. But guess what? I am more interested in making customers happy than letting other vendors sleep well at night, especially when they happen to be my competitors. So here we go, welcome to BPM 2.0!

BPM 1.0 BPM 2.0

Marketed to Business Analysts Used by Process Analysts

Starting with a Process Modeling Tool Starting with a Complete BPMS

Multiple Tools from Multiple Vendors One Single Tool in Eclipse

Usable by J2EE Experts Only Loved by ABAP, PHP and VB Folks


ARIS, HIM, UML, Proprietary Notations BPMN

BPEL Editor BPMN Designer

Writing Code Behind the Boxes Zero Code

Writing Deployment Descriptor Files One Click Deploy

Implementing Application Connectors Generating Web Services on-the-fly

Generating Java Code Interpreting BPEL Code Natively

Web 1.0 User Interface Web 2.0 User Interface

Bring your own Rule Engine Rule Engine Included

Bring your own BAM Real-Time BAM Included

Ad hoc Process Simulation Native Process Simulation

Continuous Process Improvement Dynamic Process Optimization

Closed Source Process Engine Open Source Process Engine

$250,000 Entry Fee Get Started Today, Free of Charge

Used by Process Analysts
Let’s start by debunking the biggest lie about BPM, which is that business analysts could use a BPM tool to model & deploy an executable business process. Even though that might be true for the simplest document-centric workflow processes, such as when a business analyst specifies the reviewing process of issuing press releases on a website, it breaks as soon as the process involves transactions with any kind of back office system, for two main reasons: first, last time I checked, no IT guy is ever going to open a port onto the corporate ERP system for a business analyst to mess with; second, the said business analyst does not want to be the one the CEO calls in the middle of the night if the aforementioned ERP system cannot record new purchase orders. Conclusion: BPM 2.0 is not for non-technical business analysts. Never should have been, never will, and nobody should care. Instead, BPM 2.0 is for process analysts who are articulate enough to talk to business folks, yet technical enough to understand the difference between a do-while loop and a for-each statement. We will not bridge the business-IT divide by empowering business analysts to get rid of IT people. Instead, we’ll just let more technical process analysts understand business requirements and implement them directly into the process, while leveraging existing IT systems. Neither top-down nor bottoms-up, it’s a middle-out approach, and it’s the only one that makes the gap any narrower.

Starting with a Complete BPMS
Because BPM was originally marketed to business analysts, vendors thought that it would be a good idea to start with the only tool business analyst could use, namely some kind of flowchart diagramming tool. Problem is, that’s exactly what customers did, but they did nothing else beyond that, for a very simple reason: once a business analyst has diagrammed a process with a tool that does not enforce any rule that would make the process executable, there is no way to make that process executable later. All that work goes to waste and the business analyst feels she’s been cheated. If you want to try this BPM 2.0 thing out, my advice is “don’t buy a process modeling tool”. Instead, get yourself a complete BPMS and start building executable processes from day one. Some would call it Agile Development for business processes. I call it BPM that works.

One Single Tool in Eclipse
Not long ago, going from a process map to deployed code used to take up to seven tools: one for modeling the process at a business level, an other to describe technical details, a third to build connectors to external systems, a fourth to map data in and out, a fifth to specify business rules, a sixth to design workflow user interfaces, and a seventh to deploy all the code on a collection of proprietary runtimes components. They all required different kinds of expertise, ran in different environments, used different languages, lost information when going from one to the other, and made the whole thing so complex than no end-user could actually use them without the outrageously expensive consulting services of a software vendor that got all the pieces through multiple acquisitions rather than building them from scratch with a very clear architecture in mind. BPM 2.0 puts everything you need within one tool, and that tool sits on top of Eclipse. With Oracle and SAP now supporting Eclipse, no other integrated development environment—beside Microsoft’s Visual Studio—will matter anymore, so get along with it and demand that your BPM 2.0 tool natively runs in Eclipse.

Loved by ABAP, PHP and VB Folks
BPM products of the first generation required expertise with J2EE, or even worse, proprietary scripting languages, as if the world needed yet an other programming language. As much as I like J2EE for what it gives me as a software vendor, it’s a freakishly complex set of specifications that are out of reach for most IT people. Object-oriented programming is extremely powerful, but like it or not, most programmers do not understand it, or at least would rather use something simpler like PHP or Visual Basic. There are 2 million Java programmers out there, and I reckon that only a fraction of them can write EJB components. Even less know how to combine EJB with JMS, Servlets and Message-Driven Beans. Compare that to the 3 million PHP coders and the 8 million VB developers out there, and you’ll start getting the picture. BPM 2.0 is not for the J2EE gurus, or at least not limited to them. BPM 2.0 targets process analysts who can read a BPMN diagram, understand the tree-view representation of an XML Schema, and drag-and-drop form widgets onto a canvas. If you think you can do that without too much effort, then BPM 2.0 will work for you.

In the early days, there was no standard for executable processes. XLANG was on the drawing board, WSFL did not exist, and the workflow guys had produced nothing more than a set of utterly useless interfaces. Then released the BPML specification, which forced Microsoft and IBM to abandon XLANG and WSFL respectively. For political reasons, Microsoft and IBM decided to write their own specification, rather than adopting BPML, which led to the release of WS-BPEL, a year after the first commercial implementation of the BPML specification was deployed into production. Three years of sterile public discussions followed, until merged with the OMG and finally decided to drop BPML in favor of BPEL. In short, no real standard was available for the last six years, which contributed to slowing down the adoption of BPM. Things are a little bit different today. BPEL has won, BPEL 2.0 is a good enough specification for customers to build mission-critical processes with, and all the big vendors have adopted it. BPM 2.0 works because of BPEL, much like relational databases work because of SQL. Process analysts should not really care about it, for they won’t have to write a single line of BPEL code if they pick the right tool, but BPEL is like the DNA of your process, it’s the standard that everything else gets built around. So if you’re being told that BPEL does not matter, or that the product you’re considering buying will support BPEL next year, don’t be fooled: you’re about to buy a very expensive piece of proprietary software that you will have to get rid of sooner than you think, so don’t make the same mistake that early adopters made, and go for the standard, today.

As for the process execution language, early BPM products sported many different notations, with cute little shapes and fancy colors. Some were very workflow centric, like HIM, others more technically oriented, like UML Activity Diagrams, but most were totally proprietary, incomplete, and incompatible with each other. set out to fix this, but this time around learned from its early mistakes and made sure that IBM was involved as early in the development process as possible. A fine gentleman by the name of Stephen White did his magic and developed BPMN, which quickly established itself as the standard notation for modeling executable business processes. BPMN supports both the orchestration of web service and the execution of human workflow tasks, while enabling the choreography of multiple business processes through the swimlane metaphor. BPM 2.0 works because one can go from BPMN to BPEL without having to write code. BPMN is not perfect and should learn a couple of tricks from HIM, but its support for compensating transactions, unsolicited events, complex loops and multiple swimlanes is what makes it unique, effective and irreplaceable.

BPMN Designer
Early BPM products supporting the BPEL specification offered a BPEL editor as primary development tool, instead of a real business process design tool. The problem with this approach is that BPEL is a very complex specification, especially from a data management standpoint. Furthermore, BPEL’s heavy reliance on complex web services specifications requires developers to manually synchronize multiple BPEL and WSDL files in order to deploy an end-to-end process. BPEL editors do not make this exercise much simpler. They also produce process models that do not have a coarse-enough granularity for them to be shown to a business audience. A higher-level notation is needed, it’s called BPMN, and BPM 2.0 must take advantage of it for a wide-enough audience of process analysts to get the productivity they need for their BPM projects.

Zero Code
BPMN and BPEL make for an extremely powerful combination because they allow one to go from picture to code without having to actually write the code. Let’s face it, a lot of work went into the development of these two specifications, and this work benefited from an unprecedented amount of collective experience that no single vendor could ever match on its own. What that means is that most BPM products that are based on proprietary notations and execution languages actually require the writing of quite a bit of code in order to make processes executable. Double click on the neat-looking boxes and arrows, and code written in Java or proprietary languages will show its face. There is nothing fundamentally wrong about code, but it just so happens that writing and maintaining code is harder and more expensive than writing and maintaining none at all. BPM 2.0 makes it possible to implement the most complex processes without having to write code. The Dutch Government did just that for a process that has a quarter of a million activities, so if it worked for them at such a scale, it should work for many other organizations.

One Click Deploy
By their very nature, business processes are prone to change, and most of us got interested by this new BPM thingy because of the promise that it would make change a little bit easier. I can even remember one of the early pure play BPM startups using the tagline “Go ahead! Change!” to emphasize that very point. Well, this is all nice and fancy, but if one has to write multiple deployment descriptor files and configure various web service interfaces to deploy a process, the ability to change the process as you go remains a pipe dream. BPM 2.0 advocates a radical ‘One-Click-Deploy’ approach to solve this problem. Once your process is valid, with all data mappings completed, business rules defined, and workflow parameters set, just click on a button and get the process deployed on your runtime environment, without any additional work. There is absolutely no reason why it should be any more complex than that.

Generating Web Services on-the-fly
Most BPM solutions are workflow systems in disguise, and as such, they do not really support integration with back office systems. Distributed transactions and reliable messaging are foreign concepts for such tools. For the rest of them, integration with enterprise applications has been forever tainted by what could be considered as the biggest scam in the history of enterprise software, the idea that you need custom connectors to integrate with enterprise applications such as PeopleSoft or SAP. In the late nineties, EAI vendors made a fortune selling connectors: you want to enter a purchase order into this version of SAP R/3? Buy connector X, for a cool $25,000 per CPU. You want to get the list of employees from that version of SAP R/3? Buy connector Y, for an other $25,000 per CPU. In reality, one can write a generic connector for all versions of SAP R/3, back to SAP R/3 3.1i, that exposes all 200,000 BAPIs, IDOCs and RFCs as web services, on-the-fly, for both standard and custom transactions, without writing a single line of code. The same can be done for Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, and most enterprise applications out there. If it’s possible, BPM 2.0 should take advantage of it, and unless one takes some masochistic pleasure in developing one-time connectors for APIs that might be obsolete the next day, nobody should have to write custom connectors anymore.

Interpreting BPEL Code Natively
Early implementations of the BPEL and BPML specifications relied on Java code generation: you write the code in BPEL, and a code generator automatically translate it into a set of Java classes that are deployed on a Java Virtual Machine or a J2EE Application Server. Good news: it’s a relatively easy way for a software vendors to get into the BPEL game. Bad news: it does not really work. Much like Oracle’s database does not generate C code to execute a given SQL query, a good BPMS should not have to generate Java code to execute a BPEL process. Java code generation is bad because it makes the deployment of processes more complex than it should be, it creates discontinuity from the process semantic that makes debugging and monitoring an order of magnitude more difficult than with native interpretation, and ultimately, it slows everything down. Things get even worse when such implementations rely on the EJB component model for the persistence of process data, especially when Entity Beans with Container-Managed Persistence are being used. For it to work at a large scale—the aforementioned Dutch Government is running 250 million concurrent process instances that take up to five years to complete on a 4-CPU box—BPM 2.0 must natively interpret the BPEL 2.0 code, ideally through just-in-time compilation into process bytecode that closely maps to the Pi-Calculus semantic, and forgo the use of any EJB component for persistence, relying instead on straight database connectivity. If you need performance and scalability, you should go for such a model.

Web 2.0 User Interface
BPM 1.0 solutions relied on Web 1.0 user interfaces, namely standard email clients and web portals serving task lists and forms produced using plain HTML. BPM 2.0 must take advantage of Web 2.0 and Office 2.0 technologies, such as AJAX for dynamic tasks lists and complex forms supporting client-side data validation, RSS feeds for process events and user task lists, weblogs and wikis for process documentation, web-based calendars for task scheduling, and REST APIs for supporting the most creative mashups. Somehow, BPM has yet to be perceived as a ‘cool’ technology, and Web 2.0 might be all that is needed to move the needle enough to get a more mainstream audience excited by it.

Rule Engine Included
Up until now, BPM solutions would fall into two camps: you either had a glorified rule engine presented as a generic BPM solution, or you had a generic BPM solution that failed to support the execution of complex business rules natively. As a result, most customers who deployed a BPM solution of the later kind had to look for a rule engine from a third-party vendor, even though they did not really need a full-fledged rule engine to being with. BPM 2.0 makes the rule engine a requirement, so that it can be leveraged by the BPM vendor itself in places where it makes sense, such as decision branching, message routing, late-stage service binding, or contextual user interfaces. As James Taylor puts it, it is no longer OK for the BPM vendors to have nothing in the way of a rule engine—they must either build something comparable or, more likely, OEM something from one of the business rules leaders. BPM 2.0 makes the Business Rule Management System (BRMS) part of the BPMS, so that only one platform has to be managed and the lifecycle of rule-driven processes can be streamlined. To a large extent, the BPMS becomes the killer application that rule engine vendors have been waiting for up until now.

Real-Time BAM Included
Much like the data management industry had separate vendors for data processing (database vendors) and data analytics (business intelligence vendors), the business process management industry has featured separate vendors for BPM and BAM. It might take time for companies to actually merge, but products won’t wait for this to happen before merging on their own. With BPM 2.0, BAM is part of the overall solution, day one, instead of being an optional afterthought. You need BAM, because doing BPM without it is like driving a car with your eyes wide shut. BAM is one of those godsends that BPM makes possible, and I cannot think of a reason why anyone should not take advantage of it today.

Native Process Simulation
With BPM solution of the first generation, process simulation was supported by ad hoc process simulators that were based on primitive finite state machine simulating the execution of processes to be deployed on a separate runtime. Good news: such an ad hoc simulator is relatively straightforward to implement. Bad news: it does not reflect the true nature of the target runtime environment, cannot accurately simulate load testing, and has no visibility onto process data, which represents a good half of the process’ semantics when using process execution languages such as BPEL. While appropriate for addressing the needs of business analysts who have no interest in the actual execution of the processes they model, such simulators are totally useless to the people who own the overall process lifecycle. Learning from this experience, BPM 2.0 advocates a different approach for simulation, whereby the process engine is used as process simulator. According to such an approach, simulated processes are stubbed out from external systems, which are emulated by the process engine itself. In order to simulate a process, the process development environment automatically deploys a collection of process instances and randomly generate seed variables in order to support simulation models such as Monte Carlo. The process engine executes the set of simulated process instances and lets the BAM infrastructure aggregate the results to be displayed back to the process analyst, who gets access to business-level key performance indicators, as well as system level performance metrics. This approach ensures that the semantics of the simulated process remains 100% accurate with respect to the semantics of the process to be deployed. Furthermore, by combining business indicators with system metrics, it guarantees that business and IT get equal representation in the evaluation of processes to be deployed within a mission-critical production environment. At the end of the day, ad hoc process simulators are nothing more than cute toys for business analysts, while native process simulators are accurate metrology instruments that BPM practitioners can safely rely on.

Dynamic Process Optimization
Adepts of the Business Process Reengineering school promoted the concept of continuous process improvement, and early BPM vendors made sure to support this methodology with their products. Problem was, changing the process once deployed into production turned out to be more difficult than most had initially expected, especially when software code had to be re-written for changes to be applied. Furthermore, if making a change to a process meant going through the entire process lifecycle all over again, from modeling to simulation and deployment, most ideas for process improvements remained just that, ideas. BPM 2.0 marks a departure from the concept of continuous process improvement, and promotes a more dynamic process optimization model, whereby key process elements can be optimized on the fly, without having to re-deploy the entire process. Through the use of native BPEL interpretation, reusable process interfaces, externalized business rules, late-stage binding, and instance-level exception handling, running process instances can be optimized in real time, without requiring advanced technical skills. Such an approach allows the Dutch government to make regular changes to processes that can take up to five years to complete. If anyone had any doubt that BPM could be used to support long-running transactions, such doubts should be put to rest by now.

Open Source Process Engine
Your process engine will quickly become the most critical piece of your IT infrastructure. As such, you need the best insurance policy money can buy for it, and if you can get it for free, even better. This is the main reason why your BPMS should be architected around an Open Source process engine. Whatever should happen to your BPM vendor of choice, a community will remain to support you. The web, which one could have called Internet 2.0, was literally built on top of the Open Source Apache web server, which still runs a cool 67% of all web servers connected to the Internet today. The same will be true for BPM 2.0, and the leading Open Source BPEL server will also become the leading BPEL server.

Get Started Today, Free of Charge
Last but not least: BPM is too good of a technology for it to be kept out of reach from most of its potential users because of high acquisition costs. Until now, a fully featured enterprise-class BPMS would cost north of $250,000. If you wanted to add support for business rules, BAM and a couple of enterprise applications, it would cost you close to $500,000. I tend to think that such a high price tag is the largest single contributor to the slow adoption rate for BPM that we witnessed over the past six years. BPM 2.0 will change this by making enterprise-class BPMS products free of charge when deployed through certain configurations. Hybrid business models blending Open Source and commercial software will ensure that a handful of vendors enjoy the success they need for supporting customers over the long run. In the end, customers, system integrators and software vendors alike will all benefit from the upcoming explosion of the BPM market. Things are starting to get exciting, so don’t wait any longer and join the party today!

Author’s notes: sections on simulation and optimization have been added on February 6, 2006 following discussions with Naeem Hashmi and Bruce Silver. Additional sections might be added or modified over time and will be indicated as such through similar notes.

Clarification of the section on rules has been made on February 11, 2006, based on feedback from James Taylor. A solid rule engine must be part of any BPM 2.0 platform and the BRMS is merging with the BPMS.

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--; 해석하기가 어렵다... 대충은 이해를 하겠으나... 적절한 단어로 표현하지 못하는 이한계...OTL

'Business Process Oriented' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩]Business Activity Monitoring(BAM)  (0) 2007.03.27
BPEL의 활용  (0) 2007.03.27
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이것이 BPM의 전체의 모습일까....

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사용자 삽입 이미지

[Business Process Maturity Model]

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제품의 근거한 평가는.. 이제... so ... so..

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'Business Process Oriented' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩]Business Activity Monitoring(BAM)  (0) 2007.03.27
BPEL의 활용  (0) 2007.03.27
BPM is SOA’s Killer Application  (0) 2007.03.26
Who is a Process Analyst  (0) 2007.03.26
[BPM 2.0]  (0) 2007.03.26
      Business Process Oriented  |  2007. 3. 23. 16:51

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