ALBPM Designer Workshop 목차

  1. ALBPM Studio Basics

  2.  Variables and Mapping

  3.  PBL Basics and Basics 2

  4.  Org Manager-Publish and Deploy-Work Portal

  5.  Screenflows

  6.  SplitJoin

  7.  SubProcesses

  8.  Simulation

  9.  Parametric Roles


 ALBPM Deverloper Course

 01 Activity_Review
 02 Split-N
 03 Grab
 04 Dynamic Subprocess
 05 Setting Next Participant
 06 Notification Wait
 07 Correlations
 08 Rules Engine
 09 Exception Handling and Compensation
 10 Service Level Agreements
 11 Fuego Objects
 12 Enterprise Standalone and Weblogic Installation
 12-1 Architecture Overview
 13 File I O    ==> 제외 예상
 14 Integrating Databases and Dynamic SQ
 15 Integrating Java Components
 16 COM Integration ==> 제외
 17 NET Integration ==> 제외
 18 Web Service Integration
 19 XML Integration
 20 Process Exposed as Web Services ==> 6.0에서는 별도의 과정없이 메뉴를 통해 Expose됨
 21 Complex Screenflows
 22 BAM and Process Performance
 23 Work Portal Customization


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      My Log  |  2007. 9. 21. 16:29

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